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Головна сторінка Електронний каталог Опис документа

Shenderovsky V.
May the Light of Science Never Die

Рiк видання: 2016 Мiсце видання: Kyiv Видавництво: Akademperiodyka
Автор: Shenderovsky V. Авторський знак: Ш47 Вид автора: персона
Мова: Англійська Обсяг: 388 p.
Шифр: 001 УДК: 001 ISBN: 978-966-360-313-1
Аннотацiя:This book contains 50 essays about Ukrainian scientists who have made a significant contribution to the world treasury of science and culture. The author narrates about prominent personalities whose names were silenced in the Soviet times, it was forbidden to write about them, and many of them were expunged from the scientific and cultural heritage of Ukraine. It is essential to publish biographies of famous Ukrainians because the history of world culture will not be complete without their accomplishments. Since only memory has a future, only a people knowing its history will never become a nation of the blind. This publication is aimed at pleasing a wide range of readers.
 Назва серії:Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
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'Український Фондовий Дім' Інформаційно-пошукова система